Značaj kvalitetnih podataka za kreiranje politika za prevenciju nasilja nad djecom u obitelji-Ajduković, M., Ogresta, J., Rimac, I.

Improving prevention and protection of children from domestic violence requires a high quality system of collecting recording and monitoring data of exposure to family violence against children, and related interventions. The paper presents good practices in systematic recording and monitoring of data on family violence against children in the United States and Canada. It also presents a critical analysis of the existing system of collecting and monitoring data on children exposed to family violence in Croatia with a special focus on social welfare system. Based on Guidelines on Data Collection and Monitoring Systems on Child Abuse (ChildONEurope, 2009) and other relevant sources, the paper provides recommendations for establishing efficient system of data collecting and monitoring on children exposed to family violence in Croatia that should become the basis for national policies and efficiency assessment of prevention and treatment interventions. The importance of defining indicators of child well-being is emphasised. Special attention is given to complementary use of various sources of data on violence on children. The importance of motivating professionals involved in the data collection is emphasised as well.



Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN)
c/o Centre for Children’s Rights Studies
University of Geneva, Valais Campus
Chemin de l’Institut 18
CH – 1967 Bramois (Sion)

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