Becoming a member

How to join CREAN? 

It is possible for academic institutions to join the Children's Rights European Academic Network as a member at any time.
CREAN is replacing the ENMCR which was established in 2004 by five European Universities with the support of Save the Children Sweden (SCS). As of now, there are 31 universities that are members of CREAN. The Network is collaborating with other academic networks like the Latin American Network of Masters in Children’s Rights, and is in contact with academic study programmes on children’s rights in other parts of the world, e.g. in the MENA region.


Why is it worthwhile joining our network?

In becoming a member you will work with children’s rights experts from all over Europe (and Latin America). We have been cooperating as a network for almost ten years and you will be able to build on the longstanding experience of our members. You will get an insight into children’s rights from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The member universities offer higher education in childhood studies and children’s rights, at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. Some members offer full study programmes in children’s rights, others offer modules, seminars or intensive courses. You will have access to knowledge in establishing study programmes, as well as to teaching materials developed in the network. We have implemented several European Union funded projects on children’s rights themes and organize conferences, workshops and short intensive programmes in the same field. You will have access to all materials published in the frame of CREAN, such as the monthly electronic newsletter Children’s Rights news (CRnews), reports from projects, materials from conferences and workshops, etc.

To become a member of CREAN, please read the terms and conditions and the statutes (see below). To take the first step, simply fill in the registration form or get in contact with the Coordination Office It is important that you name a contact person at your institution for correspondence purposes. Our members contribute to CREAN's work with an annual membership fee of 300€ which covers the running expenses of the Network.

Letter of Interest:

In order for CREAN’s steering committee and General Assembly to take an informed decision, every new member’s letter of intent should contain the following items:

-Academic department/body
-What courses/programs/research projects related to childhood or children’s rights studies are provided.
-For what purpose does the requesting member want to join the CREAN.


Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN)
c/o Centre for Children’s Rights Studies
University of Geneva, Valais Campus
Chemin de l’Institut 18
CH – 1967 Bramois (Sion)
Tel. +41 (0)27 205 73 06