
CREAN students engage in up-to-date research through their MA thesis' and other research papers. These are some examples of research:

Convention on the Rights of the Child:

• Probleme bei der Umsetzung der UN Kinderrechtskonvention in Deutschland am Beispiel der Kinderrechtsbildung in Berlin (Problems with UNCRC implementation in Germany on the example of child rights education in Berlin) - Freie Universität Berlin
• The best interest of the child - Paper on Article 3 of the CRC: Children’s Rights and the Law -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Full text
• Paper on the CRC - Children’s Rights and the Law - Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Full text
• Child Soldiers: Reasons for Hope and the Need for a True Commitment - Freie Universität Berlin. Full text
• The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Between Universality and Diversity - Freie Universität Berlin. Full text
• Reconciling Protection and Participation – A Balancing Act? Integrating Participation in Child Protection Services targeting Children affected by Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Berlin - Freie Universität Berlin.  Abstract
• The Protection of Children’s Human Rights – A human rights analysis on corporal punishment and abuse of children in the U.S.  - Intstitute of Education
•  Disabled children’s rights in China and the adaptability of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Chinese context. Interviews with children in a school for deaf children. - Institute of Education
• Children's rights and the freedom of religion: how are children's rights and religion portrayed in the Greek Educational system? Views of a small number of children, parents and teachers.  - Institute of Education

Children Growing Up in the Arab World:

• Children’s Rights in the UAE -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Full text
• Presentation on Vygotsky -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Slides

Researching Children (Methodology):

• Children’s Rights – International and National legislation - Researching Children -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt.

Violence Against Children:

• Child Execution in Iran and its Legality under the Islamic Law. This essay aims to examine the Islamic lawwhich justifies child execution in Iran and briefly highlights challengestowards a reform in Iranian legislation. Full text
• Violence Against Children: Corporal Punishment. This essay investigates corporal punishment inchildrearing under a historical perspective, and discusses its effect onchildren’s physical, mental and emotional health. Full text

Children in a Changing Economy:

• Citizenship Knows no age – Translated into Arabic -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Full text Arabic
• Citizenship Knows no age – English -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Full text English
• Child rights under the CRC -Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt.

Children's Rights and Development Cooperation:

• Der Kinderrechtsansatz und die Implementierung in bestehenden Entwicklungsprojekten (The rights based approach and its implementation in existing projects of development cooperation) - Freie Universität Berlin. Abstract
• Classification of Rights and objectives under the CRC - Public Finance and Social Budgeting - Diploma in Public Policy and Child Rights at Cairo University, Egypt. Table
• Exclusion is not an option any longer: Theories of childhood within international development, Ilka Stein- Freie Universität Berlin. Full text
• Ciné Débat als Medium der Aufklärungsarbeit gegen Mädchenbeschneidung? (Ciné Débat as a medium in educating against female circumcision?) - Freie Universität Berlin. Abstract
• Have participatory approaches helped in programming for street children in Kenya? Research with street children in a children’s home and outside on the streets in Nairobi. - Institute of Education

Children and Migration:

• Illusions or Denied Opportunities? A Case Study on Unaccompanied Senegalese Migrant Minors in Spain - Freie Universität Berlin. Abstract
• Wege und Hindernisse der Partizipation junger Flüchtlinge in Deutschland (Possibilities of and obstacles to young refugees' participation in Germany) - Freie Universität Berlin Abstract /  Full Text MA Thesis
• A study of childhood international mobility: reminiscences of childhoods spent abroad as part of the international community – email interviews with young people. - Institute of Education
• "Muslim, British, Pakistani: I am all three!": the identity negotiations of British Pakistani children – interviews with a small number of Pakistani young people. - Institute of Education
• Exploring aspects of daily life of young separated refugees in England. Small-scale qualitative study based on interviews with young people, mostly Albanian unaccompanied asylum-seekers. - Institute of Education
• The realities of displaced children’s lives in Serbia, and challenges for research. Qualitative methods including photography and drawing with 16 children aged between 7 and 16, in an IDP camp in Serbia.  - Institute of Education 
• Young children's perspectives on culture, language and learning on the US-Mexico border Mosaic approach in pre-school in California. - Institute of Education 
• The everyday lives of rural-urban migrant workers' children in a Chinese city: how migrant children rebuild their daily lives after moving from rural areas to a city. Research with children including interviews, drawings, and group discussions in a school for migrant children. - Institute of Education
• Protection and Participation through Education in Emergencies- A Qualitative Case Study on the School Experience of Displaced Iraqi Youth in Jordan - Freie Universität Berlin. 


• Inclusion: how are disabled children aged 0-8 accessing care and education in Nottingham? Questionnaires to parents. - Institute of Education • A study of the experiences of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Thiki District, Kenya. Interviews with children and community members including house mother. - Institute of Education
• A study of the experiences of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Thiki District, Kenya. Interviews with children and community members including house mother. - Institute of Education
• Making choices: young women's perspectives on their participation rights in their families: interviews with young women from a range of minority ethnic groups in London. - Institute of Education
• The Ensuring Achievement Project: children's, parents' and teachers' views: a case study of a project targeting young black pupils in a London school. - Institute of Education 
• Impacts of parental values on the education and aspirations of Bangladeshi Muslim girls in London. Interviews with a small number of young women. - Institute of Education 
• The role of school in improving Gypsy Children's Self-Empowerment, Resilience and active Participation - Freie Universität Berlin/Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Abstract

Children and Internet/New Media:

• How children use internet to communicate with each other- peers to peers - Freie Universität Berlin
• Opportunities and Challenges of New Media Communication tools for Children's Learning Environment - Freie Universität Berlin

Children and Education/School:

• An investigation of children’s perceptions of standardized testing in a school in California , USA – based on group discussions with younger children, written accounts from older children, interviews with teachers. - Institute of Education
• Children's experiences and perceptions of school buildings. Research with children using photography and drawing in a Victorian and modern primary school in London. - Institute of Education
• Making school more attractive-analysis from a child-rights oriented point of view - Freie Universität Berlin
• Demokratie von Anfang an? Was können Schülerinnen und Schüler an Grundschule durch Partizipation lernen (Democracy from the start? What can elementary school pupils learn through participation?) - Freie Universität Berlin
• The implications of Every Child Matters for child protection and children’s rights in primary and secondary schools – interviews with teachers. - Institute of Education
• The Madrassa pre-school system in Kenya – interviews with community leaders and parents. - Institute of Education
• Early childhood education needs of nomadic pastoralists in Kenya – interviews with parents. - Institute of Education
• Home education and the family: children's perspectives on their participation rights in home education – Muslim families who educate their children at home – small number of interviews with mothers and children. - Institute of Education
• Freedom within limits - a study of children's experiences of freedom in a Montessori children's home. Interviews with young children about their experiences of Montessori education. - Institute of Education
• How effective are school councils in promoting participatory practice with children in primary schools? Research with children and done by children. - Institute of Education

Institutional Care/Institutionalized Children:

• Institutionalized young adults in the Romanian Child Care System - Freie Universität Berlin/Universitatea Babes-Bolyai
• Great expectations: constructing a social pedagogic approach for England’s residential child care -  based on qualitative data gathered in workshops with practitioners. - Institute of Education
• The participation rights of child domestic workers in Peru – documentary and policy analysis. - Institute of Education

Working Children/Child Labour:

• Arbeitende Kinder und Jugendliche in der Landwirtschaft am Beispiel eines Landkreises in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Welche Beweggründe haben Kinder und Jugendliche für ihre Mitarbeit in  landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben? (Working children and young people in agriculture - exemplified by a county in North Rhine Westphalia: Whate motivates children and young people to work in agricultural family businesses) - Freie Universität Berlin • Education and apprenticeship in Turkey: implications for child labour. Documentary and policy analysis. - Turkey - Institute of Education
• The International Labor Organization’s Policy on Child Labor: A Critical Review - Freie Universität Berlin. Full text 
• Education and apprenticeship in Turkey: implications for child labour. Documentary and policy analysis. - Turkey - Institute of Education

Children and Family/Community Contexts:

• Single parent families as an emerging phenomenon in Greece: children’s and mothers’ accounts – interviews with a small number of mothers and their teenage children. - Institute of Education
• What are Chinese people's views on siblings and families based on China's one-child family planning policy? Small-scale qualitative research with groups of Chinese people – a small number of children, and young people with no sibling, young people with a sib or siblings. - Institute of Education 
• Adoption in India and its consideration of children's rights – interviews with a small number of social workers about adoption. - Institute of Education
• The generational issues of the ‘Neet’ and ‘Freeter’ Phenomena: structural factors in the characteristics of Japanese childhood in the past, present and near future. Research with children and young people. - Institute of Education

Young Children's Rights:

• Participation through storytelling: a bridge to young children's social lives – research with children in a pre-school setting. - Institute of Education
• Voting behaviour and biographical characteristics in American State Legislatures: a look at issues concerning young children and their families - Institute of Education 
• The morality of young children in their early years settings: small scale study of young children based on observations. - Institute of Education
• Ethical Issues In Research Involving Children:  This essay aims to explore some of the mainethical issues that arise in research involving children and the scientificshift from research on children to research with or by children. Full text

Children and questions of gender:

• Pink vs. Blue, Barbie vs. Bionicle. About and Beyond Dichotomies: in Search of Comfortable Gender Spaces. A Qualitative Research about the Constrution of Gender Identity/ies with and for some Romanian Kindergarteners - Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Abstract 
• Gender and children’s participation in bereavement services: exploring practitioners’ views - Institute of Education


Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN)
c/o Centre for Children’s Rights Studies
University of Geneva, Valais Campus
Chemin de l’Institut 18
CH – 1967 Bramois (Sion)
Tel. +41 (0)27 205 73 06