University of Patras, Greece

The Child Rights Center of the University was the first Center with a similar mission to be established in Greek higher education (2023) following a proposal of the UNICEF Greece Country Office. The close cooperation with UNICEF Greece Country Office resulted in the rapid development of actions aimed at child protection. The CRC works closely with the Center for Teaching and Learning / University of Patras,  with the aim of introducing the issue of children's rights in the curricula of various disciplines of the University of Patras. We provide courses for Undergraduate students in the two Education Departments, namely: Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education & Department of Education and Social Work. 

So far, learning cycles for the teaching personnel and corresponding activities for teachers of other levels have been carried out. Soon, it is planned to carry out many new actions on contemporary issues of child rights protection and to promote research projects in these areas.


For more information,
please contact  
Professor Thanassis Karalis: 


Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN)
c/o Centre for Children’s Rights Studies
University of Geneva, Valais Campus
Chemin de l’Institut 18
CH – 1967 Bramois (Sion)
Tel. +41 (0)27 205 73 06