Promoting intergenerational solidarity in Croatian family law system: in search of coherent and efficient solutions - Majstorović, Irena

Family solidarity is one of the keystones of the Croatian family law regulation. It is defined as such in the Family act and it is further developed in its provisions. The principle of solidarity is important for all relationships regulated by family law, but it is of utmost importance regarding the relationships between family members of different age. The aim of the paper is the analysis of legislative and practical solutions of the Croatian legal system, with the focus on family law issues. Hence, three hypotheses are to be verified. The first one is that the Croatian society is a rather traditional one, in which various aspects of solidarity are constantly fulfilled without any legal intervention. The second hypothesis is that the legal framework is an adequate one and that provisions in force strengthen family solidarity in various ways. Finally, the third hypothesis would be that present trends, not only in Croatia, but also in many countries of the Western society, endanger basic foundations of modern societies, which would eventually lead to the erosion of intergenerational solidarity. Instead of a conclusion, it shall be endeavoured to propose changes in legal regulation, which should lead to further awareness rising of the existence of legal, and also moral, obligation to assist vulnerable family members, such as the elderly.

In: Fulchiron, Hugues (Ed.): Les solidarités entre générations / Solidarities between generations.


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